Temperatures are starting to cool off! Have you scheduled preventative maintenance?
We can’t stress the importance of fall furnace preventative maintenance enough. There is nothing worse than expecting your furnace to kick on during a cold winter’s day and being greeted by cool air or no air at all!
Fall is the ideal time to schedule a furnace preventative maintenance appointment with your local contractor. Here’s why.
Contractors are less busy. It can be difficult to get in touch with a contractor during peak seasons. Heating and air professionals are busy answering emergency service calls day in and day out. If something goes wrong with your furnace during the winter, it could be days, or even weeks, before a contractor can make it to your home.
Catching problems before they arise. Maintenance during the fall can save headaches during the winter. Not only will this help you stay comfortable throughout the heating season, but it could end up saving you money. The cost of a service call and a minor repair is going to be a lot less than the cost of an emergency service call and a brand-new system.
Speaking of entirely new systems… Yearly clean and checks can help maximize the life of your gas furnace. Heating equipment is going to cost more than the average appliance. You want to make sure that your investment in home comfort pays off for as many years as possible.
Keep tabs on your indoor air. You can also see if your contractor inspects ductwork in addition to servicing HVAC equipment. You never know what may be lurking in your ductwork. You want to make sure harmful particles are not being distributed around your home.
An easy way to make sure you always have a fall preventative maintenance appointment on the books is to talk to your contractor about a maintenance agreement/contract. This way, you will have a standing appointment to have your equipment checked before the heating season and the cooling season.
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Do you always remember to schedule preventative maintenance?
Winter’s chill may not be here yet for many parts of the country, but that doesn’t mean it’s too early to start thinking about your furnace. Fall is the ideal time to have your furnace inspected by your local heating and air conditioning contractor. The holiday season can be a busy time, and it may be difficult to remember to schedule a maintenance appointment. That’s why maintenance agreements can be so helpful.
It’s Murphy’s Law – if your unit is going to fail, it will at the most inconvenient time. There’s nothing more frustrating. This isn’t even taking into account that added frustration of finding a contractor who can come out to your home quickly. Contractors are very busy during the winter and summer – the peak seasons. During the peak season, you could be waiting days (or even weeks) to get your unit back up and running!
To head off this issue, most contractors offer some type of service/maintenance agreement. Typically, if you have a maintenance agreement with a contractor, they will come out to your home to inspect your system twice-a-year – once before the cooling season (during the spring) and again before the heating season (during the fall). During these appointments, your contractor will be able to find minor issues with your HVAC equipment before they have the chance to turn into bigger problems.
This can help you save money in the long run. Yes, a service call is going to cost some money, but you can make up this money in efficient performance and a longer system life.
Do some research before you hire the contractor for your maintenance agreement. Need a head start? Check out the Maytag HVAC contractor locator.
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Do you think it’s time to replace your old furnace?
Making the decision to replace your heating equipment isn’t an easy one. Heating equipment is essential to your home comfort during the winter, but it is also expensive. You don’t want to end up replacing your unit unnecessarily, but you don’t want to be without heat during the coldest parts of the year. After all, Murphy’s Law suggests that your furnace is most likely to quit when you need it most.
If you are faced with the decision to repair or replace your old unit, here are some things to ask yourself:
- How old is my unit? The average gas furnace lasts about 20 years. If your furnace is somewhere in the 15-20 year range, and you are faced with a repair, chances are you’re just delaying the inevitable if you decide not to replace. Plus, furnaces manufactured even 10 years ago don’t include some of the amazing features modern air conditioners include – like quiet operation, more even temperatures and high efficiency. In fact, even a standard-efficiency furnace purchased today may be significantly more efficient than your old system.
- How expensive is the repair? Think of your furnace like your car – if it costs more to fix the unit that it costs to replace it, opt for replacement. Look at the cost of making repairs and weight that against the cost of replacement (don’t forget about the money-saving benefit of added efficiency and potential rebates). If you are struggling to make a replacement fit within your budget, ask your contractor about the financing options they offer.
- How high are my utility bills? If you are experiencing high heating bills during the winter, or bills that are creeping up in cost each month, it is better to replace your system. As gas furnaces age, they may lose efficiency due to regular wear and tear. So, not only will your old unit most likely have started off at a lower efficiency rating brand new, it may have lost that rated efficiency over years of use.
- How loud is my gas furnace? Loud bangs and blanks coming from your unit when it kicks on or is in operation are not a good sign. This can indicate that it is time to call a contractor and discuss a repair. If it’s determined that those noises are coming from one of the main components of your furnace, it’s best to replace.
Whether you decide to repair or replace, the process needs to start with the search for a qualified local contractor. It isn’t going to matter if you replaced your old system with a new, high-efficiency model if the installation was not done correctly. Ask friends and family for recommendations, check online review sites and get several different quotes. The cost of the multiple service calls may seem unnecessary, but if it ends up saving you money or getting a better install, it is worth it.
If you need a jumping off point, check out the Maytag dealer locator.
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Were you affected by any of the recent tropical storms or hurricanes?
The United States has been inundated by devastating tropical storms and hurricanes over the past month. Many communities are going to have to rebuild from the ground up – a daunting task. Maytag HVAC, along with the rest of the nation, extends our sympathies to those communities impacted by these recent events.
The Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) has released safety, repair and replacement guidelines in response to the recent storms. If your community was affected by the recent tropical storms and hurricanes, this is a must-read.
Click here to read the article.
AHRI President and CEO Stephen Yurek, advises caution. “We advise homeowners to play it safe and replace, rather than repair flood-damaged heating, cooling and water heating equipment,” says Yurek.
Many things were affected by the winds and the rains of these superstorms. This includes heating and air conditioning systems. Water-damaged HVAC equipment can be hard to detect and could put your family at risk if not treated properly. It’s important to take the proper precautions when it comes to repair and replacement. Even the slightest repositioning can result in leaks, loose electrical connections and more. If your HVAC system has been affected by water, it’s better to replace than attempt to repair. Although it may be costlier, it is the safest and, in the long run, the most cost-conscious choice.
Do not attempt to restart or fix your HVAC equipment yourself! You could end up doing more damage to your unit or hurting yourself in the process. Call your local heating and air conditioning professional. Wait times may be longer than usual considering the widespread damage, but it will be worth it.
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Do you need some heating and air conditioning help?
There’s no two ways about it, when your air conditioner isn’t working properly, you’re not going to be a happy camper. The temptation can be to shake your first at the sky, pick up a wrench and attempt to fix it yourself.
Drop that wrench!
It’s important to know when it is appropriate to do a minor HVAC-related task, and when it is time to call in the “big guns” – A.K.A. your local contractor.
These are minor fixes you can attempt before you call a contractor. Anything beyond this should be handled by a professional.
- Make sure the system is turned on at the breaker and the outlet.
- Make sure the thermostat is set to the appropriate model – heat or cool.
- Make sure the temperature is either above the temperature outdoors (if in heating mode) or below the temperature outdoors (if in cooling mode).
- Replace your furnace filter.
- Open your registers and vents.
When to turn off your equipment and call a contractor…
- There is visual damage to your outdoor or indoor equipment.
- Furnace is on but there is no warm air blowing from your vents.
- There is visual duct damage.
- You are in heating model, but cold air is blowing from your ducts.
- Air conditioner is on, making loud noises and the fan is not blowing.
- Your air conditioner or furnace is constantly running and not reaching temperature.
Basically, when it doubt, call a professional.
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What’s that noise?
Concerned by the noises coming out of your heating and air conditioning equipment? There are some noises that can alert you to issues in your heating and cooling equipment while other noises are just a result of day-to-day operation. Sometimes, it can be hard to discern a normal noise from an abnormal noise. Make sure you keep an ear out. If your system is not brand-new, but you are noticing a brand-new noise, it’s time to call a contractor.
Be aware of the following noises:
- Air moving in your ductwork. This is completely normal. It’s just an indication that your equipment is running. However, if you notice a loud hissing or it seems like there is a change in airflow, it may be time to call a contractor. This could indicate that there is a blockage or leak in your ducts.
- Hum from your outdoor condenser. Even the quietest, most efficient air conditioner will make some noise while it’s operating. Newer units that have noise reduction features may be quieter than an everyday conversation, while an older air conditioner may make its presence known every time it kicks on. Just make note of changes. If your air conditioner starts making loud bangs or thumps, turn it off and call a contractor.
- Squeaks during startup or shutdown. This is entirely dependent on the type of system you have. If your unit is newer, and has never squealed while starting up, this can be an indication that a part is dirty of lose. However, a squeak may be normal for an older air conditioner. Generally, a squeal in any unit is an indication that it is time for a tune up.
- Scurrying, thumps or abnormal noises from your ductwork. It pays to get your ductwork inspected. Household pests may decide to make your ductwork their home. If you hear what sounds like an animal moving behind your walls or vents, have someone come out and inspect your system.
- Popping or crackling inside your ductwork. Metal ductwork expands and contractors as it is heated and cooled. This is completely normal. However, if the pops are interfering with your daily routine, there are possible solutions you can discuss with your local contractor.
If you are looking to replace your old air conditioner with something that makes less noise, ask your heating and air contractor about models that contain noise-reduction features – like swept-wing fan blades or compressor sound blankets.
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When was the last time your ductwork was cleaned?
It’s important to do all you can to make sure your indoor air is as clean as possible. And, clean air starts with your heating and air conditioning equipment. When was the last time your ductwork was cleaned and/or inspected?
What is your ductwork?
Your ductwork is responsible for transporting air to and from your HVAC system. It can be either hard or flex, insulated, located in your floor or ceiling, and more! The important thing to remember about ductwork is that it must be properly designed for your home to achieve optimal airflow.
If you’re noticing uneven temperatures throughout your home, higher utility bills, more frequent headaches or loud noises coming from your floor or ceiling – it could be due to an issue located inside your ductwork.
A good duct cleaning can alert you to several issues…
- Air leaks
- Mold and mildew growth
- Insects
- Rodents
There are obvious health and monetary concerns associated with these problems. The presence of mold, insects, and/or rodents can reduce indoor air quality and leave your family in poor health. Air leaks can lead to hot and cold spots, inefficient performance, reduced comfort, and higher utility bills. It’s not always easy to see what is going on behind your walls.. But, having your ductwork inspected is a good way to peak behind the drywall “curtain.”
Don’t delay. Talk to your local contractor about scheduling a duct cleaning appointment this fall.
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Do you know how to properly change a furnace filter?
Fall is only a few short weeks away. Do you know when you last changed your furnace filter? Changing your furnace filter regularly and properly is important for indoor air quality, your family’s health, and the life of your heating and cooling equipment. Neglecting to change your furnace filter results in poor airflow and decreased filtration power.
Many homeowners should change their disposable furnace filter once a month, but the bare minimum is once a season. That’s why now is a great time to go ahead and change it out properly. Do you know the correct way to change your furnace filter?
- The first thing you need to do is find out where your furnace filter is located. Is it in your ductwork? Near your furnace? Inside the air handler or furnace cabinet? If you are not sure where your filter is located, make sure you get in touch with a contractor.
- Next, find out what size filter you need along with the proper filtration power. Higher efficiency filters can eliminate dust throughout your home and block all sorts of harmful airborne contaminants.
- Correctly place your furnace filter. This is where knowing which way the arrow is supposed to face is important. Always make sure that the airflow arrow on your furnace filter is pointing towards your furnace or air handler.
If you have questions or concerns about your furnace’s filter, make sure you get in touch with your local heating and cooling specialist. Especially, if you aren’t sure where your filter is located. You don’t want to go poking around in your ductwork or furnace cabinet to try and locate your filter. When in doubt, call a professional.
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Are you ready for fall?
As we head into September, it’s time to start preparing for sweater weather. What do you think? Are we in for a warm fall or a cold fall?
What to do in case of a warm fall…
For portions of the Midwest, fall 2016 was unusually warm. If we’re in store for the same conditions this fall, temperature swings can make setting your thermostat tricky. The days may call for the air conditioner while the evenings may make your home too chilly. The important thing to remember is to commit to the temperature you choose. Constant temperature fluctuations can result in more often on/off cycles, which can really drive up your utility bills.
An even better solution? Invest in a heat pump and a programmable thermostat. When you pair a heat pump with a gas furnace, you can use the most efficient method of heat for the temperature outside. Your heat pump works just like an air conditioner during the hot days, but can switch over to heat mode on chillier evenings. If you’ve paired it with a programmable thermostat, you can set additional comfort preferences based on your schedule. This can help you save money on utilities.
What to do in case of a cold fall…
The most important thing that people can do during the fall (especially those who experience colder falls and winters) is schedule preventative furnace maintenance. The sooner the better in the case with a cold fall. Fall preventative maintenance is crucial for not only your furnace’s overall lifespan, but how efficiently it runs when temperatures drop. During maintenance, your local HVAC contractor will be able to find small issues before they can turn into big problems.
Which would you prefer…a chillier fall? Or, a warmer fall?
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Decide whether the statements are true or false.
True? False? You decide.
- Lowering your thermostat temperature cools your home down more quickly.
- Closing vents and registers in unused rooms is a great way to save money.
- It’s a good idea to briefly open a window during the winter to air your home out.
- If you want more cooling power, invest in a bigger air conditioner.
- You should change your furnace filter once a season, or more frequently, especially if you have pets.
- Schedule preventative maintenance once a year – before the summer.
- False. Lowering your temperature settings may ultimately result in a cooler home, but it does not result in quicker cooling. All it does is make your air conditioner or heat pump run longer – raising utility bills.
- False. Your air conditioner is designed to heat and cool a certain amount of space. Closing vents and registers can negatively impact home comfort and damage your cooling equipment.
- True. Opening your windows briefly during the winter can help alleviate stale, stagnant air during the winter. However, keep it brief. You don’t want your heating power escaping outdoors.
- False. Like number 2, your air conditioner is designed to cool a certain amount of space. Your contractor should perform a Manual J load calculation to determine the size of your new air conditioner.
- True. A dirty filter lowers indoor air quality and can restrict airflow. Restricted airflow results in decreased home comfort, potential system damage and higher utility bills.
- False. You should schedule preventative maintenance with your local HVAC contractor TWICE a year – once for your air conditioner during the spring and, again, for your furnace during the fall.