Are you prepared for the warmer weather?
Happy first week of spring, all! Has warmer weather moved into your area? In the Midwest, the first day of spring brought the first wave of summer for some parts – temperatures nearing 90F! Is your air conditioner ready to tackle the heat?
What is your favorite part of spring? Ours? Spring preventative air conditioner maintenance, of course!
Why is that? Well, it is the best way to get your air conditioner in peak condition for cooling season. During a preventative maintenance appointment, your contractor can catch any minor issues with your cooling equipment that may cause big problems for you during the cooling season. There is nothing worse than a “no cool” call in the middle of July!
Also, remember with spring comes allergies! Those beautiful flowers blooming around you are great to look at, but can wreck havoc on your health. One of the best defenses against springtime allergies is your air filter. Add “change the furnace filter” to your spring cleaning to-do list. This way you can breathe easier.
Are you ready to schedule spring preventative maintenance? Make sure you do some research and find a reputable local heating and cooling contractor. They will be able to perform maintenance AND set you up with IAQ products that can help reduce allergens in your home.
Have you scheduled preventative maintenance yet?