Decide whether the statements are true or false.
True? False? You decide.
- Lowering your thermostat temperature cools your home down more quickly.
- Closing vents and registers in unused rooms is a great way to save money.
- It’s a good idea to briefly open a window during the winter to air your home out.
- If you want more cooling power, invest in a bigger air conditioner.
- You should change your furnace filter once a season, or more frequently, especially if you have pets.
- Schedule preventative maintenance once a year – before the summer.
- False. Lowering your temperature settings may ultimately result in a cooler home, but it does not result in quicker cooling. All it does is make your air conditioner or heat pump run longer – raising utility bills.
- False. Your air conditioner is designed to heat and cool a certain amount of space. Closing vents and registers can negatively impact home comfort and damage your cooling equipment.
- True. Opening your windows briefly during the winter can help alleviate stale, stagnant air during the winter. However, keep it brief. You don’t want your heating power escaping outdoors.
- False. Like number 2, your air conditioner is designed to cool a certain amount of space. Your contractor should perform a Manual J load calculation to determine the size of your new air conditioner.
- True. A dirty filter lowers indoor air quality and can restrict airflow. Restricted airflow results in decreased home comfort, potential system damage and higher utility bills.
- False. You should schedule preventative maintenance with your local HVAC contractor TWICE a year – once for your air conditioner during the spring and, again, for your furnace during the fall.