The best thing you can do for your air conditioner.
Of course, we all want to maximize the life expectancy of our air conditioner. There is nothing worse than being stuck in the middle of summer without a working air conditioner. Luckily, there are things that you can do each year to help your air conditioner achieve max efficiency and, hopefully, max lifespan.
- Change those filters. A dirty filter blocks airflow and can result in your air conditioner working longer and harder than necessary. Change your filter regularly or at least at the beginning of every season.
- Hire someone to clean your ducts. Dirty ducts, like a dirty filter, can block airflow and make your air conditioner’s job harder. Plus, who knows what could be lurking in your air delivery system? Keep your ducts clean and your air fresh.
- Be reasonable with your thermostat. Hotter day than usual? Resist the temptation to plunge the thermostat down to 60F. This will make your air conditioner run longer – possibly wearing out your parts and DEFINITELY driving up utility bills.
- And, while you’re at it… LEAVE THE THERMOSTAT ALONE. Taking our air conditioner on a temperature roller coaster can drive up utilities and overwork your unit.
- Secure and protect your outside unit. In some areas, copper thieves can try and harvest your system for a quick payout. Make sure your air conditioner is secured down (without interfering with airflow or operation).
- Leaves, plants, branches,etc. Make sure these hazards are at least two feet away from your condenser. A dirty air conditioner with blocked airflow will have to overwork and could raise utility expenses. When you are faced with 90F temperatures, you want to do everything in your power to make your air conditioner’s job easier.
So, what is the BEST thing you can do for your air conditioner?
Schedule preventative maintenance in the spring of course! Have your contractor inspect it and clean it to ensure proper working conditions.
So, have you done the things we listed above? Tell us what you do to keep your air conditioner working well.