High humidity in your home could be affecting more than comfort.
Did you know that indoor humidity levels can heavily affect the comfort of your home? In fact, controlling the humidity in your home can make it feel warmer or cooler in your home, depending on how you adjust it.
But, did you know that high indoor humidity can have a slew of negative benefits that can affect comfort and even your health? Here are some things that humidity can affect.
Wood warping. Remember, extra humidity in the air is essentially more water in the air. This can cause doors to swell, floors to warp and a host of other problems. So, if it feels like your doors are sticking, you could have a humidity problem.
Feels too hot. A humid home is a hot home. Reasonably lowering the humidity levels in your home can actually make your home feel cooler (you may even be able to raise the temperature the thermostat is set at to save some dough on utilities).
Indoor air quality issues. Dust, mold, allergens…all things that thrive in a humid environment. These things may become problems in visible places. BUT, even more concerning, they can become a problem in the places you can’t see – like in your walls or in your ductwork!
Wood rot caused by window condensation. Condensation can form on your windows and drip down to your floors or windowsills, causing rot.
Lowering the humidity dramatically can also cause problems. We’ll address those during the winter.
In short, it’s important that you are able to effectively control humidity levels in your home. Make sure you have the proper dehumidification and humidifying products that your home needs. These products may even be a part of your heating and cooling system.
Make sure you ask your contractor about the dehumidification properties of your system (or your new system if you are in the market). They’ll be able to match you with the system with the right features for your home’s needs.
Have you ever had any of the problems mentioned above? Did it turn out to be a humidity problem?