How do you keep cool during the summer?
We’re having a heat wave! It has been hot, hot, HOT here at Maytag HVAC. Highs this week are climbing into the 100s, and it’s not even August yet – the hottest month of the year. The question of the day is, what are some of the things you like to do when it is just too hot outside?
Let’s face it, no one wants to stay indoors in the air conditioning every single day. You’ve got to venture outside eventually.
How do you keep cool?
Here’s our best hot weather advice!
Stay hydrated. It is all too easy to forget to drink enough water, especially when you are at the pool or a waterpark.
Stick to the shade. Did you know that the light from the sun can make it feel 10 – 15 warmer? Staying in the shade is a great way to keep cool AND avoid sunburn.
Wear sunscreen. It may not smell great. It may be inconvenient to continue reapplying. BUT, sunscreen is very important to remember during the summer.
Take breaks from the heat and enjoy an air-conditioned area.
Are you ready for fall, or do you enjoy the hot weather?