Are you worried about your home’s indoor air quality?
Are you starting to get cabin fever? Subzero wind chill and snow storms have been keeping people cooped up in their homes. And, since you’re spending all that extra time indoors, you want to make sure your indoor air quality is high.
One of the best ways to tackle poor indoor air quality during the winter is with a clean home. This cold weather may make you want to curl up on the sofa under a blanket with a hot cup of tea, but braving the chill and taking some time to clean is well worth it.
Here are some household chores that can raise the quality of your indoor air.
Vacuum and rotate your mattress. Your mattress can play host to all sorts of unpleasant odors and bacteria. You want to make sure that where you lay your head down at night is fresh.
Clean fan blades. The blades of your ceiling fan can be dust traps, especially if they aren’t in use.
Dust. If you are noticing dust on more surfaces than usual, it could be an issue with your furnace filter. Change your furnace filter once-a-month during the winter. It is the best line of defense against poor indoor air quality – trapping harmful particles before they have the chance to circulate through your air.
Avoid wearing shoes indoors. Have a go-to pair of slippers or stick with socks. You could be tracking all sorts of unpleasantness from the outdoors into your home – lowering indoor air quality and making it necessary to clean your floor more often.
Deep clean carpets. Carpets, like ceiling fan blades and mattresses, can be bacteria traps. Deep cleaning your carpets at least once a year will help you get all those deeply embedded particles out of your home.
Don’t forget to roll up your sleeves and get ready for spring cleaning! Yes, the season is still a while away, but taking care of some chores regularly during the winter can help you save time.