Do you know what you need to do for your HVAC system during the winter?
How cold is it near you? Winter is finally here, and it’s definitely been a cold one already, Do you know what to do during the winter to keep your gas furnace in peak condition? There’s nothing worse than a “no heat” emergency during the holidays!
Here are some things you should add to your winter HVAC to-do list.
Make sure all of your vents and registers are opened. Poor airflow can be a real performance and efficiency killer for air conditioners, heat pumps, furnaces, you name it!
Change your furnace filter regularly. If you have pets, you may want to consider changing your furnace filter every month. If you don’t, you still want to consider changing your furnace filter at the beginning of each season. This is to ensure proper airflow and the highest quality indoor air.
Dust or vacuum debris from your vents. No, its not a substitute for a proper duct cleaning, but you want to make sure that things aren’t falling into your vents or registers – obstructing airflow and lowering indoor air quality.
Change the batteries in your carbon monoxide detector. During combustion, one of the gases produced is carbon monoxide. Since it is a colorless, odorless gas you want to make sure you have something that can detect it and keep your family safe.
Rearrange your furniture so that the main living/seating areas aren’t by drafty windows. This can help you feel warmer and help you resist the temptation to raise the thermostat a few degrees on really cold days.
Did you remember to get your gas furnace checked before the start of the heating season? If not, you can always have a contractor come out and inspect it during the winter. Just be aware, this is a busy season for contractors. It may take them awhile to get to your job.
What do you have on your winter home to-do list?