Why air conditioner size really does matter.
We throw advice around a lot about buying heating and air conditioning equipment. It’s all critical for overall system satisfaction and home comfort year round. But, the things to keep in mind don’t stop when you find a contractor and settle on the type of system you want. You want to make sure that the unit installed in your home has been properly sized.
A proper load calculation is critical for performance. We even go to the lengths of saying that closing air vents and doors aren’t good because it messes up the calculated load for your unit. Here are some problems that can arise from an improperly sized air conditioner…
Systems that are too big cool too quickly. This means that your unit never has the chance to properly dehumidify your home. This can make your home feel hotter, and lead to mold and mildew buildup. Plus, short cycling is bad for your system in general. Constant on/off cycles can lead to hair-raising utility bills.
Systems that are too small will run all the time and never properly cool your home. As you can imagine, this can make your utility bills skyrocket without ever achieving the home comfort you expect from your system. The long-term consequences are severe. A system that is constantly running will get worn down more quickly and will most likely have a shorter life than its properly sized counterpart.
Bad practices that can lead to an improperly sized system include getting a quote on the back of a business card or over the phone, hiring a contractor who doesn’t perform a Manual J load calculation and having a contractor who only looks at the size of your current system. At the very minimum, the contractor you hire must perform a Manual J load calculation to make sure your system is the correct size.
Always make sure you hire a quality heating and air conditioning contractor to get the job done right, the first time.
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