Do you know your packaged HVAC system options?
Are you looking to make an efficiency upgrade this cooling season? Upgrading to a high-efficiency cooling system is one of the best things you can do to lower utility costs during the summer. This post is going to focus on one particular type of HVAC system setup – the packaged system.
A packaged system is a heating and air conditioning setup where all of the components are located outside in one unit. Heating, cooling – this unit does it all. This is different than a split system, where components are located both indoors and outdoors. If you think you have a split system, check out our other post about your split-system HVAC options. Typically, packaged systems are used in areas that don’t have basements or enough room for indoor equipment. And, if you already have a packaged system, chances are you aren’t going to be switching over to a split system.
So, just what are your packaged system options? Here are the ones you can look into.
Gas/Electric Packaged Systems. Think of a gas pack as an air conditioner and furnace all-in-one. It contains the electric cooling components of an air conditioner AND the gas heating components of a furnace.
Dual-Fuel/iHybrid Packaged Systems. A dual-fuel system is essentially a heat pump and a gas furnace in one. What does that mean? Well, this unit is capable of producing gas heat AND electric heat. Electric heat transfer used by a heat pump is more efficient than other electric heat creation methods. If you experience chilly evenings during the spring and fall, weather that is not quite cold enough for the gas furnace but not warm enough to be comfortable, this can be the ticket to achieve maximum comfort and efficiency.
Packaged air conditioner. A packaged air conditioner contains the parts of an air conditioner and air handler. This is a great options for homeowners who have minimal heating need, meaning an electric heat strip is all of the back-up heating power they are going to need.
Packaged heat pump. This is a great option for homeowners in the South – it combines the components of a heat pump and air handler all-in-one. It provides electric cooling AND heating power. If your demand for heat isn’t strong enough to warrant a powerful gas furnace, but you do see chilly temperatures, this can be the ideal unit.
Does this help in your decision-making process? If you are still not sure of which system is going to be the right solution to your HVAC needs, make sure to contact your local heating and air conditioning contractor – they are your best source of in-depth HVAC information.