Do you know what to do with your HVAC equipment when you throw a party?
Halloween is next week, which marks the very beginning of the fall and winter holiday season! The beginning of the holiday season means lower temperatures, holiday parties, time with family and so much more! It can also be a little hard on the wallet.
Remember, your heating and air conditioning equipment is the biggest energy consumer in your home. That’s why making small changes to how you run your units can have a significant impact on your budget. This is a good thing to keep in mind if you are hosting an even in your home.
Do some simple things to improve comfort and decrease energy usage while you’re having a gathering. Follow these simple tips.
Go indoors…Go outdoors…But stick to one! Constantly going indoors and outdoors can impact comfort and increase energy usage. If it’s cold out and your furnace is running, the stream of air from an open door can increase heating demand, resulting in longer run times and higher bills. Have an indoor party. Have an outdoor party. But, try to keep it to one or the other.
Make adjustments at your thermostat. Keep this one in mind if you are hosting Thanksgiving dinner! More people in your home, plus a working oven can really bring on the heat. This means that you can get away with lowering the thermostat a degree or two without sacrificing comfort.
Replace your furnace filter. Your furnace filter is going to be your best defense against allergens, dirt, debris and other unpleasant air particles. Plus, a dirty air filter can decrease airflow and increase utility bills. Remember, under many circumstances you’ll want to change your furnace filter once a month, but you should do it at least once a season.
Natural air freshening and cleaning methods. Everyone lies a clean, fresh smelling home – especially if they are hosting a party. Try out some natural cleaning and air freshening methods instead of spraying harsh chemicals into your indoor air. You may save a little money, and your indoor air quality will be higher.
These are just a few things you can do. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Schedule a furnace maintenance appointment with your local contractor so that an emergency “no heat” call doesn’t interrupt your holiday celebrations!
What do you do to save money during the holidays?