Are you ready for the holiday season?
Turkey dinners and gift exchanging season is fast approaching! Are you already planning this year’s festivities?
If so, there are some things you should keep in mind to keep your money in your wallet (instead of handing it over to the utility companies). You can still throw a great party without busting your budget on heating expenses.
Potluck the meal. Save a little on gas and/or electricity by having your guests bring a side dish. Not only will this save money when it comes to utility costs, but it could also save time and reduce stress the day-of.
Turn the thermostat down a degree or two. When there are more people in a home, it feels warmer. Home comfort wont’ be as affected by turning down the thermostat a degree or two.
Adjust the humidity. Did you know that homes that are drier feel colder than those at a higher humidity level? Make sure your home is at a comfortable setting. Just don’t overdo it. A home that is too humid can feel stuffy and suffer from mold growth.
It’s still fall; host a bonfire. Opt for an alternative to an indoor party and have a bonfire (weather-permitting). It’s something a little more out of the ordinary and can be a great change of pace.
Have a fireplace? Use it. You’d be surprised by how much heat even a tiny fireplace can produce. If you have a fireplace, don’t hesitate to use it. Just make sure that your damper is open when you’re using it, and closed when you don’t have a fire. Your fireplace acts like a vacuum when the damper is open – sucking up the warm air in your home.
Focus on family activities that don’t involved electronics/the TV. A puzzle or a board game may feel lame in 2017, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t have some nostalgic fun with a round of Monopoly or Clue (just don’t blame us when grandma flips the table because she landed on “Go to Jail” for the fifth time).
The little things, like turning off lights in unused rooms, can add up. Don’t forget the small things. Keep lights off in unused rooms, don’t forget to make sure your vents and registers are open, and don’t forget to make sure all windows and doors are shut.
The most important thing you can do this fall to save money during the holiday season is schedule an appointment with your local heating and air contractor. During this appointment, they will look over your furnace, heat pump or both to make sure they are in tip-top shape.
The holidays are coming up so fast. Thanks for the great advice.